Workplace Foundation Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy
(Updated October 2021)
Workplace Foundation creates opportunities for emerging and under-represented artists with a focus on artists based in the North of England. We are committed to aspiring to anti-racist, anti-ableist, anti-sexist, anti-oppression and anti-transphobia programming to advance equality, diversity and inclusion in our organisation.
Workplace Foundation is committed to putting this policy in to action. We want to reflect the diversity of the UK at the heart of our organisation and not just in the programme so that artists and audiences see themselves represented in the workforce, leadership and governance. We want to work towards this diversity of voices contributing to the development of the programme and building new audiences.
We want to make sure that we approach inclusion and relevance in a meaningful way, starting by creating a safe workspace for our team and artists. We recognise each persons value, and aim to provide a supportive environment for our team to grow as individuals and as an organisation.
This policy covers discrimination on the basis of the protected characteristics: age, disability, gender, gender-reassignment, marriage & civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, and sexual orientation. As well as these, Workplace Foundation is committed to including the consideration of socio-economic backgrounds.
Workplace Foundation positively promotes equality and does not just avoid discrimination. We work towards how we can positively contribute to the advancement of equality, diversity and inclusion.
We will strive to ensure that our entire organisation accommodates any needs and requirements that arise, bringing inclusivity and relevance to the heart of our activity.
We will work towards carrying out any reasonable adjustments in our work that will enable a more inclusive environment. For example applying to the council for a curb drop to enable wheelchair access or taking in to consideration religious commitments when programming.
We want to:
• Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the
Equality Act 2010
• Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
• Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
The key law which informs our approach is the Equality Act 2010 which has harmonised and brought together many previous pieces of legislation. It has widened the scope of discrimination law beyond the area of employment and into the provision of education and training and the wider supply of goods and/or services. Under this Act, people are not allowed to discriminate, harass or victimise another person because they have any of the protected characteristics. People are also protected from being discriminated against because they are perceived to have one of the protected characteristics or because they are associated with someone who has a protected characteristic.
Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are not treated differently or less favourably because of a characteristic. This means making sure that no one is disadvantaged from participating in art and culture because of barriers that disproportionately affect people who share the same characteristics as them.
Diversity is about recognising, respecting and valuing people’s differences to contribute and to realise their full potential by promoting an inclusive culture for all.
Inclusion is ensuring the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for everyone including people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalised.
Workplace Foundation will ensure that all team members, existing and new have read and understood this policy, and will ensure that they review it each time the policy is renewed.
Putting this policy into practice is the responsibility of every individual employee. All staff, including those working from home, whether on full-time, part-time, indefinite, fixed or temporary contracts, regardless of length of service, are responsible for playing their full part in adhering to the policy. This means becoming familiar with the policy and its requirements and carrying them out, as well as critically examining attitudes to ensure that discrimination is not allowed to affect judgement.
The law and the existence of an Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy cannot by themselves prevent unjustified discrimination. It is crucial that everyone takes personal responsibility to help ensure that the work environment, consistent with cultural relations, respects the dignity of everyone and in broad terms, values the differences that exist between people and cultures.
The implementation of this policy will also be through an accompanying Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan. This action plan will outline objectives, timescale, responsibility and record the progress of Workplace Foundation in reaching these targets which will subsequently be reported to our board.
Training in EDI and any other relevant training will be provided to existing team members and will be scheduled as part of their induction when any new team member is recruited.
We are committed to ensuring that policies, strategies, processes and behaviours that promote equality and contribute to an inclusive organisational culture are in place so that Workplace Foundation reflects the diversity of a Creative and Cultural Country.
Our identified objectives are:
- Understand, value and work constructively with diversity in its many forms to encourage fair and full participation in our work and programme;
- Aspire towards no unjustified discrimination in our recruitment, selection, performance management and other processes;
- Treat every individual whether they are a member of the board, team, freelancer, artist, audience member or participant with fairness, dignity and respect;
- Contribute to removing barriers and redressing imbalances caused by inequality and unjustified discrimination in society.
How we will implement and reach our objectives is outlined in our accompanying Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan. This action plan approaches each area as SMART objectives, it will be updated on a yearly basis, with progress of the actions being reported to our board on a quarterly basis to ensure that we are accountable for implementing our vision.
Areas of focus will include, but are not limited to: our board, staff, programme, audiences, both physical and digital accessibility and recruitment.
We expect our team, freelancers and artists to treat others equitably, with dignity and respect.
Anyone that believes they have been discriminated against, harassed or bullied has the right to make a complaint free from victimisation or fear of retaliation.
We aim to support and protect anyone who makes a complaint, or who acts as a witness. All complaints will be taken seriously and will be dealt with promptly and confidentially. They will be dealt with fairly and respectfully, regardless of the protected characteristic of the individual making the complaint. Assistance will be given to people who wish to make a complaint but require support or a different format to do so.
This policy will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
Please do not hesitate to contact with any feedback.