Saturday Drop-In: Vessel Making Workshop with Emii Alrai

10 September 2022 

Free event

No booking required

Suitable for all ages


Emii Alrai will be hosting a vessel making workshop with air dry clay, which she uses to make her work. During the workshop coil building techniques will be explored to create myths out of shapes which collapse out of clay. There will also be the opportunity to play with decorative techniques such as gilding to make the clay look more valuable and precious. The workshop is suitable for all ages and abilities and free to attend, no booking required.


  • Refreshments will be available including hot and cold drinks and snacks.

  • Our space is located on the ground floor and has step free access throughout. There is a dropped kerb directly outside the front door to the street level. If you have any access requirements please get in touch.

  • Workplace Foundation is an anti-racist venue and encourages a supportive working environment which does not tolerate any form of harassment or discrimination.